Add Pattern Lock To Your Windows Laptop

In case you are wondering why I kept something old in the post title, well to some people this is an old trick – to others it might not be.

Have you ever wanted to add something unique to your laptop without draining those precious 2GB or 4GB ram space, well today I bring to you one of the old tricks I have up my sleeves – I would be telling you how to use the pattern lock on your smartphone device on your Windows laptop – so grab a drink, relax and continue scrolling 😀 (If you know this trick already, do let me know :D)

For this – you would need to download a software called:  Eusing Maze Lock 

Features of Eusing Maze Lock

1. Automatically lock on Windows Startup.
2. Set Auto-Lock after certain Time Period.
3. You can set  3 x 3, 4 x 4, or 5 x 5 grid types for the pattern lock
4. Security Alert Screen with Siren sound when someone enters the wrong Pattern(can set N Times).
5. Can set Custom Message on the Lock Screen
6. We can set a Custom Background image for the Pattern Lock Screen. etc…

How to Set it up:

  1.  Download using this link: Click here – It is just 1mb in size
  2.  After installing  you should see the Maze Lock icon in your System Tray on Right-Bottom Corner. Just Right Click your Mouse for Options.
  3.   Once you right Clicked the Maze icon, you can see the option in the image below, Just Select “Configure” for setting up the Maze Lockadd pattern lock to your windows laptop
  4. When you’ve entered the configuration panel, Click “Reset Pattern” to remove the default pattern.  Then Setup your own Pattern as you do in Android by Dragging with Mouse Click.
    add pattern lock to your windows laptop 4
  5. You can also play with some few settings in the “General” Tabadd pattern lock to your windows laptop 3
  6. There is also an Optional Setting where you can change your Background image of the Lock Screen.add pattern lock to your windows laptop 1

Voila – You are done –  When you lock your screen you should see the pattern lock pop up with the image of your choice.

This little tool can set your laptop apart from the rest.

*Whispering – Back in my university days, I sold this software to the ladies for N500 😀